Note: To be considered for enrollment in the Self and Family Management option, you must have already been found eligible for Vermont’s Long-Term Care Medicaid: Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services. More information on the application process can be found here.
Self and Family Management is a service option that offers more choice and decisions making capability in how your support services are delivered. You and/or your family members choose who to hire to meet your support needs. Through guidance and training from Transition II, Vermonters can self-direct the services they receive by hiring their own employees, having an active role in the construction and management of their budget, and developing their own plan for services.
When you take part in the Self and Family Management option you can:
- Manage your own services or ask family, friends, or your guardian to assist you
- Design your own Individual Support Agreement (ISA)
- Manage your own support budget
- Be the employer of your own support staff